We headed up to Glacier Park with our skis this morning for our traditional snow trek at Logan Pass.
Anna and Warren at Logan Pass, with Mt. Reynolds behind. |
Looking in the direction where we'll be skiing. |
We hiked on our skis (with skins) up to the ridge on the left side of the photo just above. Where there is a melted out place with rock and gravel (center/left), is where I waited for Warren while he climbed the ridge to take a long run--affectionately known to us as "Anna's Rock."
My view of Going-To-The-Sun Mountain and down the St. Mary's valley. |
Down by the visitor's center there were some melted out places that had the typical combination of Glacier Lily, Western Pasqueflower, and little Spring Beauties:
So with all this snow up high, do you think I would be able to find any flowers? Of course! But they were all little newbies just getting started. For example:
This is teeny-tiny as you can tell from my red bandana; it was growing in a crack in the very rock where I was sitting. Meanwhile, Warren headed up to the ridge:
The climb is steep enough that he kick-steps up the snow; he is holding on to an ice-ax, and his skis are strapped on his pack. |
Back to flowers. I found moss campion buds, saxifrage buds and little soft willow buds emerging:
Moss Campion |
Western Saxifrage bud |
some type of willow |
White Dryas bud |
White Dryas flower |
Then I found little clusters of Northern Anemone, related to Pasqueflower, but much smaller.
if these look like Dryas, notice the difference in the foliage. |
Whoa! Here comes Warren zipping down the hill with no warning! Then he headed off towards Mt. Reynolds for one more run.
Just a few more little alpine beauties to go... the tiny alpine version of King's Crown or Rose Root; compare this with the King's Crown we saw on Wheeler Peak!
Then nature gave me a textbook flower identification lesson. Side by side were Yellow Mountain Heath and White Mountain Heather. I could never be sure about the difference until today.
White Mountain Heather |
Yellow Mountain Heath |
There were lots of familiar flowers growing along the road, but I'll save those for when I see them on the trail. We did stop at one waterfall, where there were lots of shooting stars growing.
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