Monday, July 1, 2013

Major Apology and More from Wheeler Peak

I am ashamed to say that I should never have called Lynn my research "assistant."  Rather she should be known as my "expert consultant"!!!  Especially when it comes to mountain flowers of the Southwest--she lived for many years in Colorado.  My official apology to you Lynn!

We saw lots of this yellow flower on our hike up Wheeler Peak, and Lynn identified it for me as Wallflower.

I also did a little digging on this one when I got home, and I'm pretty sure it is Goldflower or Tetraneauris acaulis.

This is an Alpine Clover, either Parry's or Hayden's--you know, those botanists want to put their name on everything!

 whereas this is Brandegee's Clover:

This was another little sweetie from Wheeler Peak, Fairy Primrose:

The chipmunks at the top of the peak were very friendly and practically tame, maybe a little too friendly!  This one thought there might be a snack on my camera!  He was this close--no camera zoom.

Here is a photo of the trail and surrounding mountains.

Snow Willow blooms

More Alpine Clover and baby King's Crown:

I just love the new red cones on the Sub-Alpine Fir.

A garden shot of King's Crown, Spotted Saxifrage, and Cinquefoil.

Another garden shot with Columbine and Clover.

The Colorado Columbine was just stunning in this boulder field--can't get enough of it!

Wilma had a little sign in her flower garden that said,  "The signature of God is written in flowers."  I certainly felt God's presence with us on this hike!

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