Saturday, June 8, 2013

Flower Fix on Peter's Ridge

Friday was our last day of school, and after a full week and packing up my classroom, I was a pooped puppy!  As my friend Pati said, "I would do a happy dance, but I'm just too tired!"  My choice of R&R was to drive out to where Lynn lives, east along the mountain foothills, and go to Peter's Ridge road, not far from her house.  We know that Yellow Ladyslippers grow along here and would be ready for us.  What a treat!  We probably saw hundreds!
notice the super-twisted sepals
Cypripedium parviflorum
the slipper is considered one of the petals of the flower
notice the little spot of light coming from the opening in the slipper

this one must be praying

this one is still sleeping
these were a different color; lighter and creamier
we wondered if the yellow and white hybridize...
Slipper in the ferns
Slipper in the pines

a whole bunch of slippers
double decker slipper
sneaky slippers (hiding)
We did find just a few white Ladyslippers, but they don't seem to like as picturesque a setting as our yellow ones.  The one in the first photo was right next to some yellow ones.  The other ones were on a bare dirt bank.  They are still just as elegant and sweet though.
more twisty sepals
Cypripedium montanum

I felt rejuvenated after walking through the slipper patch!  Summer, here we come!

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