Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Visit to Big Mountain

On Sunday (30th) after church I went up to Big Mountain, took the chairlift up to the top, and enjoyed wildflowers on the hike back down.  Considering it was 95 degrees in Kalispell, that seemed like a good thing to do!  It was still bright and warm, but I kept reminding myself "it's hotter down there" as I looked at the valley below me.  The flowers were abundant on the open slopes where we skied this winter--kind of weird to think about. The variety ran the gamut from Glacier Lilies and Spring Beauty on top, to Lupine, Paintbrush and Thimbleberry at the bottom.  The Beargrass was in full bloom, and stunning as usual.

Along the little creek on the shady side of the mountain (that almost sounds like a line from a song), I found Globeflower where the snow has just recently receded.

Anemone, Pasqueflower and Globeflower resemble one another and are all in the Buttercup Family.  Location, size and leaves give hints as to which is which.

I found Threadleaf Sandwort and Rock Penstemon on a rock out-cropping near Haskill's Slide:
Thread-leaved Sandwort with a bit of Yellow Parsley.

I've always called this Rock Penstemon, but I believe it is Penstemon ellipticus;
the leaves are elliptical rather than spindly like another variety.

The Valerian was plentiful and in full bloom as well.

Promises of berry-picking this summer were also abundant.  This is the flower-blossom for Huckleberry.  Later it will form a blueberry of ultimate goodness!

Ski-run Garden:  Paintbrush, Balsamroot, Groundsel, Beargrass, Mariposa Lily and Lupine.

More beautiful Lupine:

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