Friday, July 12, 2013

Dew Kissed Morning

I didn't really get my fill of Preston Park's beauty last week, so we headed up there again.  This time we took Lynn's motorhome around to the east side of the Park on Monday, camped at Rising Sun, and got up early the next morning to catch the first shuttle bus up to Siyeh Bend on Tuesday.  It had stormed and rained Monday evening and cooled everything off significantly, and it was a welcome blessing!  So everything was wet on Tuesday morning with the rain, plus a fine misty dew was on all the flowers--a unique opportunity for flower photographers!  Some of my photos may even look a little out of focus, until you realize that it's all the little droplets along the edges.  This first installment of our day is just all the dewy shots from the beginning of our hike.  

First, waiting for the shuttle bus in the Rising Sun campground.
Sticky Geranium
 We started on the shady side of Siyeh Creek.
Siyeh Creek with Blackfeet Glacier in the distance.
Northern Green Rein-orchid
Willow catkins gone crazy
Alpine Bistort
St. John's-wort
Mountain Sorrel
Sub-Alpine Fleabane
Gradually the sun got higher and lit up more of the trail.
Wild Chive
droopy Yellow Columbine
Elk Thistle and dewy grass
St. John's-wort--this one is my favorite!
 We left the creek and headed up into the woods.
a different Meadowrue plant gone to seed
Huckleberries, getting ready!
Heart-Leaved Twayblade
Twayblade is very tiny--pollinated by mosquitos! It's in the orchid family.
Mountain Dew--wahoo!

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