Tuesday, July 2, 2013

One More ID from Wheeler

I had to do my own flower research yesterday, since my Expert Consultant was unavailable (off finding flowers somewhere else!), and finally figured out one more.  I knew this had to be some sort of Saxifrage:

So I've been studying all the different varieties in the Saxifrage family to no avail--because, I had closed my mind to one possibility.  Alumroot is in the S. family, but I already know Alumroot and this is not it!  Well.....there is more than one variety of A., DUH!  So...this little plant is Heuchera parviflora, or Little Flowered Alumroot.  Below is a picture of Heuchera cylindrica or Round-Leaved Alumroot, which is what we see more commonly here in Montana.

Egg-shaped flowers for Heuchera cylindrica
The similar leaves should have given it away as Alumroot, but this is Heuchera parviflora.
As my expert consultant would say, it's a good idea to pay attention to the botanical names!

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