Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Top of New Mexico

We have said Adios to Cloudcroft, and are now on our way back to Montana.  We decided to take a little side trip to Taos and hike up to Wheeler Peak, the highest point in New Mexico.  We did it!  13,280 ft!  Of course we started at around 10,000 ft at the Taos Ski Valley, but it was still a big accomplishment for me!

On top of Wheeler Peak
Looking at Wheeler Peak from near Taos; it is the light-colored peak in the center.
On our way there we saw this smoke plume above Santa Fe;
there is a fire in the Pecos Wilderness.
Back to flowers; we saw lots of flowers--I have about 50 in my list and many are the same ones we would see anywhere in the Rocky Mountains, I think.  I'll just take time to post the ones that were a little more unique to a hike in New Mexico.

This was in profusion along a creek close to the ski area; I believe it is mainly watercress.

beautiful little Forget-Me-Nots up on top.
some Forget-Me-Nots without the blue

Colorado Columbine worked its way down into New Mexico!
We found these beauties all over a boulder field, hiding the the nooks and crannies.
We saw a  lot of this and I'm thinking it is a kind of draba or rockcress;
I'm sure my research assistant will start digging for me.
Red Clover?

something in the sunflower family

White Phlox with a tint of lavender; it smelled like lilacs blooming.
clumps of this spilled down the scree slope

Rose root; King's Crown; in some places it was a foot tall!
close up of Roseroot

a variety of Gooseberry

a variety of saxifrage that Lynn and I also saw in Waterton

Since we are on the road and internet access is limited, that's all I can share today.  Til we meet again.

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