Monday, June 3, 2013

All the Others; Installment 5

This is a continuation of our magnificent day on Lubec Ridge, June 1st.

Our flower list from our last visit in May to Lubec numbered 13!  Our list this time had 10 at West Glacier and 63 at Lubec Ridge.   In three weeks there sure was a difference!  We saw one beautiful flower after another.  It really was breath-taking!  Here is a sample of the other lovely things that I got good photos of.

We saw this Clematis climbing in the forested area we go through before it breaks out into the meadows:

We saw these flowers in the lower meadows:
Balsamroot Garden all across this long meadow.
Balsamroot with Calf-Robe Mountain in background
Western Saxifrage
Saxifrage with Camas buds
Mouse-eared Chickweed
Service-berry just starting to bloom.
Pasqueflower seedheads
While elsewhere, there were still pasqueflowers blooming.

These were in the meadows with the Pygmy Bitterroot:
White Chives
An interesting moth resting on a stem of Groundsel buds
Blue-Eyed Mary--very tiny
And on the drier, gravelly slopes:
Daisies with the orange lichen
a TRIPLE Yellowbell--we've seen doubles before but not this!


Lupine and Prairiesmoke
a Prairiesmoke hug!

Pink Garden:  Douglasia, Saxifrage, Shooting Star
Paintbrush Garden
Flower-nerd #1
Flower-nerd #2
Whew!  All done!  Now I've got to get my camera charged back up and finish the last week of school, and come right back!

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