Saturday, June 8, 2013

Oops! More from Peter's Ridge

I forgot to show you all the other beautiful things that we saw in between slippers.  I'm not going to get this done unless I just start pasting in photos for you.
Lynn, the super-slipper-shooter!
We came to a field of Shooting Stars that were taller than any we've ever seen!
They are surrounded by horsetail ferns.
Green Rein-Orchid

Queen Cup/Bead Lily; in the fall this will produce a single blue "bead"
about as big as your thumbnail.
Purple Avens or Geum rivale, is similar to Prairiesmoke which is Geum triflorum;
this is taller and likes a wetter environment; another book calls it Water Avens.
Everything here is growing on very wet ground, and little seeps and springs.
Striped Coralroot
Bunchberry Dogwood
Bunchberry forest
Starry False Solomon's Seal
Orange Honeysuckle; this is a creeping vine that climbs up trees in the forest.
Bladder Campion

I saw these on Lynn's property as I was driving home.
Wild Rose

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