Monday, August 5, 2013

On to the Grand Tetons! (part one)

We planned to meet Colter and Alli in Grand Teton National Park for an attempt to climb "The Grand." We got down there to get camp set up and some back-country information.  I found most of the flowers were past their prime, but definitely enjoyed some beauties anyway.  First, we found ripe huckleberries and indulged big time!

 So did this little chipmunk!

Red twinberries were ripe:

Sickle-top Lousewort:

Berries are forming on the Twisted Stalk:



 Skyrocket Gilia--this was another new one for me!

Pinedrops were popped up all around our campground:

The Engleman Asters here were white:

Colter and Alli; the Grand is the small gray tip of a mountain further back.  The prominent one with snowfields is Mt. Owen.

See?  That one!

The Parents:

We saw Pikas on our short hike up Cascade Canyon.  They usually dart here and there, and you hardly ever actually see them, just hear them whistle.  But these two were sunning themselves out on boulders and gave me time to get out my camera and get some shots!  Too cute!  Like a cross between a mouse and a rabbit.

Sunset on Jackson Lake from our campsite at Signal Mountain.  The big mountain is Mt. Moran.  The Grand Teton is further south.

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