Sunday, August 4, 2013

Flower Finds from Yellowstone--Day One

I've had so many wonderful adventures this past week, it's almost overwhelming to think about where to start!  So I'll just start with my flower-favorites from Yellowstone and that will get me started.  We hiked/fished up the Gibbon River a little while on our first day there, and these lovelies were growing there.  Monkshood:

White Geranium:

A gorgeous moth on Pearly Everlasting:

Fringed Grass-of-Parnassus:

And the Fireweed was in full swing:

Happy Fisherman:

We were camped near the Norris Geyser Basin:

My sister from California was in Yellowstone as well, and we had to cross the Hayden Valley Buffalo Herd as we went to connect with her at Lake Lodge.

Of course it's very cool to see them, but frustrating when they blocked traffic on the road and you are trying to get somewhere by a certain time!

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