Friday, August 9, 2013

Another Stunner Day

Lynn and I headed up to Logan Pass and hiked up a creek below Mt. Reynolds.  We were overwhelmed once again with all the wildflower beauty.  It reminded me of a memory of Ingrid's when we were in Yellowstone with her.  She said she remembered our grandmother (our tea-totalling-Louisiana-Baptist grandmother) exclaiming, "I declare, I'm just drunk on all this beauty!"  That's pretty much what we experienced at Logan Pass on Tuesday.  I took WAY too many photos, but the sun was bright, and it was hard to figure out the lighting and getting something that I was happy with.  Here are a few of my favorites.

Pasqueflower seedheads in morning light, in front of Going-To-The-Sun Mountain:

Along the creek below Mt. Reynolds; clumps of monkeyflower were all along here.

Pink Monkeyflower along the creek:

Yellow Monkeyflower:

Yellow Monkeyflower with some Alpine Willowherb:

Lots of Elephant-head and Tofieldia were up on the bank above the creek:

We started finding wonderful color combinations: purple Asters, Groundsel and Arnica, Monkeyflower and Pink Paintbrush, embellished with black sedgegrass:

Going-To-The-Sun Mountain with Paintbrush:

This is one of my favorite hybridized colors of Paintbrush that we find in the Park:


Fringed Grass-of-Parnassus:

When we got to the head of the creek, we found some shallow ponds with brilliant green moss that looked surreal:

The Sub-alpine Firs were loaded with cones (Mt. Clements):

An amazing meadow of color with Going-to-the-Sun Mountain and Heavy Runner; the peaks further out are along the St.Mary Lake valley:

On the way down we saw Purple Chive combos...

...and gorgeous clumps of Explorer's Gentian:

But Monkeyflower was the flower of the day, once again!

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