Sunday, August 11, 2013

Another Day at Logan Pass

Lynn and I didn't get our fill of wildflower beauty at Logan Pass last time, so we went again yesterday. I'll imagine that some of the pictures will look similar, but I'll try to show you some other aspects of this gorgeous little alpine valley in Glacier Park.

Photo courtesy of Lynn--I'm in there somewhere below Mt. Clements.

We found a few anomalies:  white Monkeyflower and white Chive, both albino forms I think.

Our wandering took us up the creek and to a waterfall called Triple Falls.  All the water (snow-melt) in this valley drains down into this rocky slot, to a 20 ft. (?) drop.

The other hikers in this photo will give you a sense of the scale of this "little" falls.

The next photo is just zoomed out--look for the rock-slot.

We didn't see any new flowers, just more bloomed out, and more on the way.  Be looking for some other posts of flowers from this hike, but I'll categorize them by flower type a little for something different.

Alpine Willowherb growing on wet rock:

Monkeyflower in some Big Ferns:

Meadow Death Camas; so beautiful for something so poisonous!

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