Monday, August 12, 2013

Photographs and Photographers: Logan Pass, part two

Lynn and I are often taking photos of each other taking photos...  Here are some of the flower photos with a look behind the scenes.  Thanks to Lynn for always sharing her fabulous photographic art with me!

Elephant-head and Green Paintbrush above Triple Falls:

Me, trying not to fall into Triple Falls:

Rock Penstemon and Paintbrush:

Rock Penstemon and Monkeyflower:

The clump of Penstemon is on the rock out-cropping. 

A lush garden of Monkeyflower, Paintbrush, Arnica and the white is Fringed Grass-of-Parnassus:

 Or was it this garden with Mt. Reynolds that includes Asters and Bracted Lousewort?

Here's where the photographer was:

A sweet little bird on a moss carpet...

...and the photographer was...


Now it's Lynn's turn.  Here are some of her flower photos and my locator pictures.

Mt. Reynolds and masses of Monkeyflower:
photo by Lynn

More Monkeyflower beside a snow-melt creek:
photo by Lynn

This wierd little albino Monkeyflower, surrounded by pink buds:
photo by Lynn
photo by Lynn

Are you getting the idea that we have been to a Wildflower Wonderland?!!

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