Monday, August 5, 2013

Grand Tetons (part two)

Going through the ropes with Dad.  Rock climbing with rope protection was a large part of their assent up The Grand.

Heading out on the trail:

I hiked up to Garnet Canyon, following the climbers--with a slower pace because of their heavy packs, I actually stayed with them for quite a while!  I got behind when I came to a beautiful flower garden and had to take some photos.



Giant Hyssop or Horsemint:

Coneflower; the bees were crazy over coneflower:

Paintbrush, Harebell, and Pearly Everlasting; another patriotic garden!

Those orange moths sure do like the pearly...

I finally caught back up to them just as they were leaving their lunch stop.  I had to rest as well, so they had to go on.

What a splash of color up in this rocky world!

My trail ended at Garnet Creek, where there was a huge boulder field--we're talking car-sized boulders! I climbed through the first one to a little alpine meadow.  This is Middle Teton; the Grand is out of sight at this point.  You can also see a volcanic dike, streaking up the middle of Middle.

You can see how Alpine Fireweed grows a little differently than in the photo above.

Raspberry bushes at 10,000'?

More Buckwheat

Along Garnet Creek, Bistort and Sedge-grass...

...and Red-Stemmed Saxifrage.

I talked to Warren on our small radios--they had already gotten to their camp and were getting set up. I decided I didn't want to cross any more boulder fields, especially with a rain-storm eminent, so I headed back down.  I took my time getting down, picking huckleberries along the way. 

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