Sunday, August 4, 2013

Flower Finds in Yellowstone--Day Three

Michael was still not well enough to hike with us, but Ingrid joined us for a hike.  We picked her up at Lake Lodge and drove back up the Hayden Valley, this time, stopping for some bison photos.  The big old bulls put on quite a show when they rolled around for their dust baths!

We headed on up to hike to the fire lookout on Mount Washburn, elevation 10,243'.  It helped that we started at Dunraven Pass, elevation 8859'.  The trail was actually an old road-bed that climbed all the way up to the fire lookout.  We were treated to lovely wildflower gardens!

Then we caught up with a small herd of Big Horn sheep ewes and lambs.

These two were trying to play like big boys and butting their heads together.

New flower finds!  This is Pussypaws or Calyptridium umbellatum:

And this is Dusty Maiden or Chaenactis alpina:

Here we are at the top:

I loved this combination of small alpine Lupine and White Phlox:

But these two flowers were the best!

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