Sunday, May 12, 2013

Yes, There Were Other Flowers Too; Lubec #2, part 2

I forgot to put a flower list on the entry for last weekend, mainly because we only saw 4 different blooms!  Kittentails, Douglasia, Buttercups, and Draba were the only flowers blooming; we saw lots of buds of things getting ready to bloom, but they don't get into the official count--you know, rules!  So we had a lot more to remember on the way home this time:
  Pasqueflower, Shooting Star, Glacier Lily, Trillium, Springbeauty, Rockcress, White Phlox,
  Cinquefoil, Western Saxifrage, Yellowbell, Prairiesmoke, and 2 kinds of Biscuitroot, yellow and white.

To be fair, I'll post some of Lynn's photos of another flower-nerd, hard at work in the sunshine!

It's a hard job, but worth the benefits!

Even though we saw some Kittentails last week, they were in even more profusion this time, and still as compelling for the camera.  At times we were on a "kittentail trail!"

Glacier Park peaks in the background.

This one didn't have any pink color, except for the ends of its stamens.
The yellow Draba was bigger this week also.

Springbeauty is an early flower that grows in wet ground, recently free of snow.

The White Phlox was beginning to emerge.

Flowers of the day: Pasqueflower, Douglasia and Kittentails all together:

Lubec Ridge
As we started to descend off the ridge (and out of the wind!), we found different plants lower in the woods and warmer meadows.  The Shooting Stars were coming out, but it was so windy I had a hard time getting one in focus; I had a little better chance down lower with the Yellowbells but it's still not quite there:

Yellowbells at Lubec are much bigger and grow in more clumps than they do at Lone Pine.


Glacier Lily and Trillium

Colter and Alli gave me a Buff (neck gaiter) and an inflatable seat pad for my birthday--perfect for my hikes this summer!

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