My wanderings led us to Missoula and Bozeman this weekend to connect with Larkin, Colter and Alli. We had a leisurely Saturday and had lunch with Larkin in Missoula, before we headed on to Bozeman. On Sunday afternoon we drove up to Bridger Bowl ski area, where I found some early wildflowers. Warren is still in "ski-mode" so the 3 of them hiked on up to the ridge to take a late-season run. After a shopping trip to REI on Monday, we headed back home. Hopefully my brevity in this text will be made up in the photos below--a picture is worth a thousand words, so this will really be a dissertation! Be sure to go all the way down--I found a new flower and it's at the end, but no peeking ahead!
Larkin in Missoula; no, this is not the new flower.... |
Definitely a couple of wild flowers! |
Colter and Alli's house in Bozeman |
They just bought another, newer Subaru! |
Alli and Kyler in the yard |
Colter and Dad |
Alli and Colter; sweetheart flowers |
Glacier lilies greeted us right off at the ski area. |
The Rocky Mountain maples were stunning. |
Hard-core skier nerds |
Then we saw a moose! |
Then we saw her CALF--it's legs were so wobbly, we thought that maybe it had been born that day! |
Look at those little splayed legs! Mama moose looks a little winter-beat. |
Glacier lilies and Spring Beauties covered the hillsides where I was. |
Ball-head Waterleaf |
Wyoming Kittentails |
More kitten-tails, further along. |
Yellow Violets |
Ball-head Waterleaf |
Surprise! A new one for me! Steer's head flower! It's related to bleeding heart. |
Looking at the approaching shower in the valley. |
Looking the other direction at my flowered hillside and the snowy ridge above. |
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