Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Weekend With Kids

My wanderings led us to Missoula and Bozeman this weekend to connect with Larkin, Colter and Alli.  We had a leisurely Saturday and had lunch with Larkin in Missoula, before we headed on to Bozeman.   On Sunday afternoon we drove up to Bridger Bowl ski area, where I found some early wildflowers.  Warren is still in "ski-mode" so the 3 of them hiked on up to the ridge to take a late-season run. After a shopping trip to REI on Monday, we headed back home.  Hopefully my brevity in this text will be made up in the photos below--a picture is worth a thousand words, so this will really be a dissertation!  Be sure to go all the way down--I found a new flower and it's at the end, but no peeking ahead!
Larkin in Missoula; no, this is not the new flower....

Definitely a couple of wild flowers!

Colter and Alli's house in Bozeman
They just bought another, newer Subaru!
Alli and Kyler in the yard
Colter and Dad

Alli and Colter; sweetheart flowers
Glacier lilies greeted us right off at the ski area.
The Rocky Mountain maples were stunning.

Hard-core skier nerds
Then we saw a moose!
Then we saw her CALF--it's legs were so wobbly, we thought that maybe it had been born that day!
Look at those little splayed legs!  Mama moose looks a little winter-beat.
Glacier lilies and Spring Beauties covered the hillsides where I was.

Ball-head Waterleaf
Wyoming Kittentails
More kitten-tails, further along.
Yellow Violets
Ball-head Waterleaf
Surprise!  A new one for me!  Steer's head flower!  It's related to bleeding heart.

Looking at the approaching shower in the valley.
Looking the other direction at my flowered hillside and the snowy ridge above.

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