Thursday, July 18, 2013

Woodland Surprises

We had some other floral fun on our hike over to Pitamakan Creek, but it didn't fit my narrative in the other post.  The Bracted Lousewort is coming into its own.  These plants were about 3 feet tall.
Bracted Lousewort
In the shadier forest we found another variety of Coralroot--Coralrhiza Mertenzia--or Merten's Coralroot.
Merten's Coralroot

Merten's Coralroot
Then another special little saprophyte was popping up through the forest floor--Pinesap!  This is similar to Indian Pipe, but has a pinkish-brown color.  The coloring in these was especially pretty.


The trail opened up again as we crossed Pitamakan Creek, and the gravelly flood plain was covered with Alpine Fireweed.
Alpine Fireweed

Harebell with Alpine Fireweed
Then we were surprised by a strawberry patch for an extra breakfast treat!  Yummy!!

I guess I think Paintbrush is one of the most photogenic flowers there are!

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